
Showing posts from April, 2019

Are you a small business in north Wisconsin struggling with healthcare?

NFIB works with small business in keeping their politicians "in check". For example, no one wants "no" taxes as we all (small business owners) understand that taxes are essential in paying for the things we need; however, we (small business owners) do not want to pay MORE than what is needed to pay for the things we NEED. One of the issues I'm finding that business owners struggle with is the high cost of healthcare.  Small one or two people businesses seek this for themselves and of course, the larger businesses seek healthcare for their employees. Offering good and very good benefits, such as healthcare helps to attract and keep better employees. I explain to my present members and those considering NFIB membership is that one of our challenges is to decrease the cost of healthcare. Most of our members will find this less of a struggle and "headache" and will find they will be able to hire more and attract better employees. How would you and yo...

Mercer Wisconsin is gearing up for a great summer!

I was in Mercer, Wisconsin this past week and enjoyed visiting the small business owners there. Right now the town might be considered a "Sleepy little town in Wisconsin" but that's because many business shops are closed for April as they take a short break from the snowmobile season and getting ready for summer. Signs on shops everywhere state they will reopen May 1st! There are also great opportunities to buy a storefront and build the local economy and that of Wisconsin. Be sure to include a road trip to Mercer in your summer plans. If you have any questions, contact my new friend Beth at the chamber.

Starting a Small Business?

If you are interested in starting a business, here is a good place to start.

Your NFIB Rep in Northern Wisconsin is Terry Scott.

The following information is specific to business owners located in Northern Wisconsin. If you are located elsewhere in the USA and interested in NFIB membership, please contact me, Terry (Ter) Scott, using the contact form on this page and either I will help you personally or get you in touch with someone who will. ARE YOU (OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW) “LOOKING”? We are also looking for membership reps in many cities in all 50 states. If you or if you know someone who is “Under-employed”, looking for a career change, is passionate about small business, is a self-starter (can work without being micromanaged) and has integrity, CLICK HERE for details. Make it a great day! Ter Scott,  Business Adviser, and Business Resource Consultant Facebook:     Blog: Blog:  https://...

UI Taxes to go up in Wisconsin

UI Benefits Expanded – Eligibility Relaxed – UI Taxes Go Up Governor Evers budget includes provisions that would allow employees terminated for “substantial fault” be eligible for UI benefits, and also his budget would eliminate current law that requires UI recipients accept offers of suitable work to remain eligible for unemployment insurance benefits. The Governor wants to eliminate the concept of “substantial” as a disqualifying factor for benefits, and define suitable work and work search requirements by administrative rule based on the number of weeks a claimant has been receiving benefits. The Governor’s budget would expand the number of absences a terminated employee may have before absenteeism is considered excessive and still qualify for UI benefits. The Governor is proposing to repeal the current requirement that the Department of Workforce Development establishes a drug testing program for eligibility to receive UI benefits.  Also, he recommends elimin...

Governor Evers increasing the minimum wage to $15/hour?

Minimum Wage Hike NFIB will battle the minimum wage hike in the budget that could eventually take Wisconsin to the $15/hour minimum wage level.   The Governor has proposed an immediate increase to $8.25/hour (current minimum wage level is $7.25), followed by more increases until reaching $10.50 on January 1, 2023.  The minimum wage would increase every year thereafter by the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index.  Governor Evers is also creating a committee to study options and recommendations for increasing the minimum wage to $15/hour.  

Wisconsin 2019-21 Budget Proposal

Budget Proposal Turns Back Years of Small Business Legislative Victories The 2019-21 Budget Proposal , introduced by Governor Tony Evers, would repeal many of the small business legislative victories of the past eight years.  The budget legislation is loaded with labor-related reforms including increase the minimum wage, restore prevailing wage, and expand the Family and Medical Leave mandate to smaller businesses. There are also several changes to the Unemployment Insurance Program, repeals the “right to work” law, and restores the authority of local governments to enact their own labor-related ordinances.  The budget process officially kicked off with the Governor’s proposal to the Joint Finance Committee for review – the start of a process that may stretch over six or seven months.  Please like us on Facebook Find out how. 

Driftwood Fish Pic goes Viral on Facebook

I visit business owners in the uppermost 8 counties in Wisconsin helping them to remain profitable. From time to time I find interesting things in my travels and came upon this one. Visit my Facebook page, like the page, like, comment and share the post with your answer to town or city where you think this is and when I get 100 likes I will do a random drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card! Visit the Facebook page here and scroll down to find the post showing this picture:

Open Letter to Anyone with a One Person Business in Wisconsin

This is a message I send to people who I have found their business card. Dropping off and pinning business cards to a bulletin board somewhere is a sure sign that they are "looking" for more business and with what I offer, I can help. I've been involved in the marketing of small businesses for year's and that never ends. I love helping people and especially those who have started their own businesses.  Now as the NFIB membership rep, I come across business cards where ever I go and this is my "open letter" to anyone with a business, a small one or two people business all the way up to 500! I found your business card! Hello. My name is Terry Scott and I found your business card when I was in your area recently. I’m working with businesses in your area on laws and issues which will directly impact your business. We need your input. I’m the area’s membership rep for NFIB. If you haven’t heard of NFIB, they’ve been around as the “Voice of Small Busi...

National Organization Seeks Outside Field Reps, Unlimited Earning Potential

N F I B is looking for reps  in all 50 States! Watch the video here: Then go to .  When you apply, be sure to state my name and number,  Terry Scott #3A687, as your “referral source”. IMPORTANT:  If you do not see your area posted (many are not), please contact HR at: , again using my info above, to request more details. I look forward to hearing from N F I B  that you’ve requested more details and hopefully I will be speaking  with you very soon! Make it a great day! Ter Scott

McDonald's leaves dealing with the Minimum Wage Hike to Franchisees

If you haven't figured it out yet, this site is all about the great people who own their own business. It's mainly about the owner of small and very small (one or two people) type businesses and news that affects them. I'm also about "locally owned" businesses and that includes, "local" franchise owners. Today I'm sharing a bit about a corporate giant in the fast food industry; and the local franchise owners who have pledged loyalty in carrying out their policies and expect corporate support in return. What does that have to do with me and my small business you may ask? Plenty, I'd say. As a contractor or busy business person on the go, you probably frequent these places often. Fast food concerns are many times owned by hard working, tax paying people earnestly employing your neighbors; creating local jobs. A leader in fast food, (Corporate) McDonald's has announced it will not lobby against the $15 (+?) minimum wage increase,...

Eat more Cranberries!

This week I visited a great little business in Exeland, Wisconsin called Meadowbrook Cranberry Company. Wow, what a fun and wonderful place; "everything Cranberry". Here is a link to their Facebook page, and I encourage everyone to eat more cranberries! I'm always excited to find new businesses that I can promote in my business travels, seeing clients as a business consultant and resource person. I found this awesome cranberry place in Exeland, Wisconsin! Take a road trip once in a while folks and see what Wisconsin offers!