
Showing posts from December, 2019

Open Letter to all business owners in Wisconsin and Minnesota... 2020 can be your year!

The following is my letter to all NFIB members; and also any business owner in general, regardless of what state you reside. If you are not currently an NFIB member or you know of a business owner who would like more information, there are links below. Also, we are looking for qualified individuals to visit business owners in their area. The income potential is very lucrative and the cause for small business is most urgent. There is also a link below to inquire or you can certainly contact me by using the contact form somewhere on this page. NFIB Member: Good day, and a very prosperous and successful new year to you and yours. Terry Scott, your NFIB rep here with a brief but important message. NFIB has accomplished some big things the past few years.  We stood up and fought for tax cuts for small businesses and achieved a big win for our members.  And we celebrated 75 years of fighting for small business - reminding our members and policy makers of the importance of sma

Did Ter Scott visit your business?

If you got a card, you did!  Hello. My name is Ter Scott and I'm a Small Business Adviser and Business Resource Consultant. Most of my clients are in the Wisconsin and Minnesota area because of where I reside, however recently I've been seeing businesses in Utah and Iowa so you just might see me anywhere. I have a passion for small business in our great country so it is with real enjoyment that I help the small business owner. When you have questions or needs, I may not be available in your area but I and my staff with do what we can to answer your questions. Make it a great day! Ter Scott!

Own a Small Business? Celebrate; Small Business Saturday was Great!!!

Want to know about the issues before they become law?  Want to help fight for small business; yours and your neighbors?  YOU CAN! Join NFIB today. Ask me how. 

family leave care and small business owners, updated 17 hours ago

The headline shouts: America's parents want paid family leave  and affordable child care. Why can't they get it? But do they really? Many mothers enjoy the flexibility of a job with a smaller employer; who can't afford to offer a "one size fits all" program. Creating such a program and forcing ALL employers; especially the smaller would create a burden of such magnitude that the employer may close its doors leaving mother and father without a job entirely.  The USA Article about paid family leave is good; this is NFIB member's stand: The NFIB insists the U.S. doesn't need a federal mandate – a 2016 survey found 73% of its members offered paid time off for reasons such as vacation or sickness to full-time employees. However, just 18.3% of its surveyed businesses specifically offered paid maternity leave, and only 19% of working Americans have access to paid family leave, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  “Trust us to treat our employe