UI Taxes to go up in Wisconsin
UI Benefits Expanded – Eligibility
Relaxed – UI Taxes Go Up
Governor Evers budget includes provisions that would allow employees terminated for “substantial fault” be eligible for UI benefits, and also his budget would eliminate current law that requires UI recipients accept offers of suitable work to remain eligible for unemployment insurance benefits.
The Governor wants to eliminate the concept of “substantial” as a disqualifying factor for benefits, and define suitable work and work search requirements by administrative rule based on the number of weeks a claimant has been receiving benefits.
The Governor’s budget would expand the number of absences a terminated employee may have before absenteeism is considered excessive and still qualify for UI benefits.
The Governor is proposing to repeal the current requirement that the Department of Workforce Development establishes a drug testing program for eligibility to receive UI benefits. Also, he recommends eliminating the funding for testing and treatment costs related to the drug testing program.
The Governor includes in his budget a provision when an employee who quits their job due to a spouse relocating for employment reasons would be eligible to receive UI benefits.
The 2019-21 budget would also implement a system of indexing for the weekly wage threshold to be eligible for benefits.
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